Evacuation Zone
I went out for my last long run before Ironman Canada on Sunday morning. I do these Sunday morning runs from The Running Room's Yonge St. store because there's always a big turnout and the selected routes vary quite a lot, which helps keeps things interesting. This time the 29K route we were going to follow headed off to the northwest.
The run proved eventful... First as we crossed the 401 freeway, Canada's busiest, I noticed that there were no cars on it. That was a bit odd. After my run I learned that there had been a massive propane depot explosion in the area. 12,000 people had been evacuated in the middle of the night and as many as 50 homes are apparently unlivable. It appears that there were two fatalities, one during the initial blast and another during the containment effort. Our route actually skirted the evacuation zone!
During the course of our run we were also detoured several times due to minor flooding on the parkland paths we were partially following. The first one we hit, a "drowned" bridge, looked modest enough so I waded across barefoot (after chasing a heron off the path). But the rest were too big and we had to detour around them. Between that and the usual minor map mis-readings we turned our 29K route into a 33K one! Still a good solid run, completed in 2:38.
Saturday was spent getting vibrated on The Shopping Channel. I managed to get back home for a two hour bike ride on my trainer, and in the evening dropped in on Sheryl's Bollywood party. The ride was great, averaging 32kph, but the party was a disappointment as a lot of guests didn't show up because of heavy rain. My assorted tray of Indian sweets was well received though!
Today was supposed to be my training day for the Toronto International Film Festival, where I'll be working as a Box Office Line Supervisor, but Chris developed an earache over the weekend that kept him awake all night. So we spend several hours at the doctor's waiting for a missed appointment. The doctor thinks it's transient but we have a prescription as a backup.
Listening to: Every Day Is Exactly the Same (Sam Fog vs. Carlos D Mix) by Nine Inch Nails from Every Day Is Exactly The Same (Remixes).
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