May 15, 2007

Everybody Talks About The Weather, But...

Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. - Mark Twain

I've always loved this quote. It seems appropriate today as the weather was a bit odd. It was hot and sunny all day until 6:00 PM when a massive thunderstorm commenced. Just as I was about to head out for an evening run with a friend... So my workout today was just a 2,200m noon hour swim. I was out driving on the freeway a bit later and in places there were pools of water 15 cm deep! It's raining pretty hard even now.

Three house showings today, which kept me hopping. I also had a "Go See" for a Bell Sympatico campaign. Tomorrow I have an interview for another I.T. job. Fingers crossed for both opportunities! Still waiting to hear about the Telus job...

Cinderella ShootTonight I've been working on some web hosting projects for my photographer friend Adrian, and They're both just placeholders right now, but there have been some configuration issues with the web hosting company he chose. I wish he'd gone with my preference, There are always subtle differences between services. When he gets around to giving me some images to work with I can build some display galleries for him.

Listening to: Connected by Stereo MC's from Connected.

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