Can't We All Just Get Along?
Yesterday was Super Bowl XXVLXCII (I think). I'm not too fussed about football, the Bowl was the only NFL game I've watched all year, but I've developed a soft spot for the Indianapolis Colts in recent weeks. It was an interesting game, with the steady rain making for lots of unpredictability. Colts QB Payton Manning managed to put his demons behind him with a solid performance. The Chicago Bears scored early, really early, but they never really got any momentum. Incidentally, I hate games played under poor conditions. Too much of the result is chance, not the skills of the competitors.
Being a nerd I was interested in seeing if any "event" commercials were broadcast. Particularly so as there were that rumors that Apple had bought time again. Apparently nothing was broadcast in the US, although in Canada we did see one of the regular Mac vs. PC ads. When I was at the ad agency I made a big effort to collect the US broadcast ads on our file server for our staff to review, this year they're easily available from a wide range of sources. The CareerBuilder ads were funny, as was the last FedEx ad. I also liked the animated Coca Cola Video Game and Blockbuster Mouse ads. Everything else was meh.
Edit: Did anyone else notice the extended phallic symbolism in Prince's half time show? Hilarious! And apparently without a peep of indignation.
Big "Apple" news today though. Apple Inc. has resolved their long dispute with Apple Corps (the Beatle's music company) over the Apple trademark. In the past Apple Corps has permitted Apple Inc. to use the Apple trademark in limited ways, with legal disputes occasionally erupting. Now the roles are reversed! Apple Inc., presumably owing to a large transfer of cash, will have full control of the Apple trademark but will permit Apple Corps to use the trademark. I suspect this means we'll shortly be seeing The Beatles in the iTunes Store, which is a good thing if you don't already own their entire catalog like I do...
Yesterday was also another Running Room morning for me. I met my new friends for a 16K run at 8:30 AM in -14C weather. Brisk? Uh, yeah. By the end of the run (1:21:15 for 18.12K according to my possibly mis-calibrated iPod) I ran mostly by myself this time, catching up to some friends just before they turned off onto an extension of my planned route. I ran at my own pace as a result and my average heart rate was just over 150 instead of nearly 160 like last week. Maybe that day's result was due to the slippery conditions? It was colder but drier yesterday. At the end of the run, in bitter winds, my running cap was frozen solid!
I've been out to these runs for a few weeks now, it's interesting to start seeing the relationships and personal histories... A little tiny soap opera! An internet acquaintance is dealing with similar issues in her New York City running club, so I guess it's pretty universal.
Listening to: The Way by Fastball from All the Pain Money Can Buy.
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