Jan 11, 2005

Stockings ransacked...

Well Christmas arrived again. New gadgets from Apple! Weeeee!!!!! A complete $499 Mac that is hardly bigger than a CD-ROM disc? Done: the Mac mini. A rechargeable 512 MB $99 iPod the size of a pack of gum? Done: the iPod shuffle.

Looks like I'm gonna have to raid the piggy bank for this. Or perhaps a "Donate" button on my blog... :-) And no risk of cavities except for in my wallet. Other software goodness too, but who cares right now...

Listening to: Hallelujah (iTunes Store link) by The Happy Mondays from Hallelujah.

Update: I couldn't resist! I ordered an iPod shuffle from the Apple Store. I should have it in a week...


  1. And how did you find your Apple Store buying experience?

    Director, WW Online Apple Store

  2. It was good. Slow access immediately after Steve's presentation as everyone "window shopped", but the only annoyance was that taxes don't seem to show up until the confirmation e-mail arrives. Of course delivery will be what defines the experience...

  3. The size of a pack of gum??? Good Lord, even I want one! Glad you treated yourself.

  4. You just made my day, always nice to find another person that appreciates a Mac like i do. Never have and never will use Windows. Love it! I'm bookmarking your blog too, love the ice story. I did a few specatacular slides when I lived in Fargo.
