Sep 27, 2004

I'm listening to a box of cereal

It's true! Maybe I shouldn't have taken off my tin foil hat... I was picking up some groceries this evening getting ready for my son to be with me again for the week and I walked past the breakfast cereals. A box caught my eye because it had a CD inside it. This is one promotion that always attracts me, because I buy a lot of DVDs and music CDs. If the cereal is actually healthy (this box contained The Original Spoon Size Shredded Wheat with Bran) I often pick it up.

So that's why I'm listening to "Classical Interludes with Nature Volume 2". Mellow classical music underlain by quietly chirping birds. Just the thing to keep the grocery-buying public sedated and content! Not my normal taste in music, which is mostly alternative rock with a bit of adult pop mixed in, but it could be useful if I ever need to impress some potential in-laws. It might also be a good substitute for the old lullaby audio tape I still play for my eleven year old son when he's feverish.

In my role as Intrepid Chronicler of Life (TM) I can also report that the CD contains the music in WAV format too, along with a Windows/Mac-compatible interface created in Director. Which makes it easy to go to to "learn about a variety of recipies, fitness ideas and nutritional information." Very new millenium.

But it's too damn mellow... Will I be able to hit "post" before my face lands on the keyboard?
Made it!


  1. Glad you like it! It's been fun (so far) to jot my thoughts down. We'll see where it goes. Especially now that I know someone is reading it...

  2. And to think I only hoped to make you smile! Thanks...
