Sep 16, 2008

Winding Down

Princess and ITIFF is over now for 2008. I only managed to get to three films, all of which were enjoyable. The last film I saw was a Press & Industry screening of Cooper's Camera, which was a demented comic short that would have fit perfectly on the old Canadian TV satire SCTV. Too bad it was really feature length! My son had wanted to see it too, but he never got himself organised enough to join me. The People's Choice Award winner, Slumdog Millionaire, was a film I tried to get to several times but the final free screening took place Saturday night when I was already up in Huntsville for my final triathlon of the season.

Here's how that last day played out... Up at 5:00 AM as usual for the last two weeks, back standing under the cold blast of an air conditioning outlet. I had started the Festival in t-shirt and shorts, by the last day I was wearing fairly heavy pants and a thick sweater. Didn't stop me getting a pretty solid chest cold though! I finished work at 1:00 PM, hurried back home to throw my race gear into the car. The forecast for race day was rain, and lots of it. So I threw in rain jackets, cycling booties, arm warmers, cold weather riding gloves, etc.

I headed north and two and a half hours later I was at the Deerhurst Inn in Huntsville registering for the race and setting up my bike. Just in time! There was only 40 minutes left to access the transition area. I connected with my friends and made my way to their nearby cottage and tried to spend the evening quietly getting healthy. It was so nice to be with friends, lots of emotional and practical support was on hand.

The TIFF "marathon" was over, the next one started in about eight hours.

Listening to: (Far From) Home by Tiga from Sexor.

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