A Sore-ass, but with an Excuse...
It's been a busy weekend for me on my new triathlon bike. Yesterday I joined a group of triathletes for a group ride in Milton, near the Niagara Escarpment. I only planned to do about 20 or 30 km, but I got ambitious and did 68 km... There were some pretty big hills along the way too! Coming down the steepest I hit 72 km/h, and my cycling helmet was lifting off my head from the air flow. My average speed, according to my $10 bike computer, was almost 29 km/h.
The Saturday forecast I'd seen said "showers", so I dressed for dry-ish conditions, and it was dry except for a few short... showers. Everyone else believed that it was going to rain, so they started in rain gear but soon stuffed their slickers away. It did rain, but only while I was driving home. A steady downpour that would have been hell to cycle through.
Today I was up at 6:00 AM to take part on the Heart & Stroke Ride for Heart fund-raising charity ride. Again the forecast was for showers, again I defied the forecast (although I did bring along clothes that would stay warm if it turned wet). The Don Valley Parkway and Gardiner Expressway were closed off for the morning, so the ride was a chance to do some uninterrupted cycling on nice smooth roads. It worked out well, although the first few km were clogged with recreational cyclists. There were thousands of participants. Between the 50 K I did on the course and the 11 K ride each way to the starting point I ended up cycling even further than yesterday.
So yes, my ass is sore.
Listening to: Shit On The Radio (Remember the Days) by Nelly Furtado from Whoa, Nelly! |
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