Nov 3, 2004

Two Tribes?

So America has, by a modest margin, chosen George W and his Republicans. Given George's many moral and political failings this is a sad reflection on mind of the electorate, but perhaps it comes down to supporting a war-time President (even though it's a pointless and mishandled war). So Americans really do want to be the bull in the china shop! Well at least that's out in the open now. Look for a lot of noise and posturing from the US while it recedes into the irrelevance. Fifty years from now Mandarin will be the second language of most Americans.

It seems like there are two tribes in America now, with very little in the way of shared values. "Liberal" (nasty word, right?) coasts, and a "moral" conservative centre. I hope it doesn't get ugly, but the rhetoric I've been hearing suggests that the Republican tribe demonises and prejudges the liberal moral perspective as much as they do the Muslims. And we know how productive Republican foreign policy has been...


  1. You're Canadian and I think we Americans have voiced in this latest election that we don't give a crap about what other countries think. *smirk* (that's said with heavy sarcasm, by the way)

  2. Follow up: I spoke to an American colleague in Nebraska today (err, yesterday) about the election while we were working together on a mail server problem. I wasn't sure what her vote had been, so I raised the subject delicately. There are a lot of upset Americans today in all parts of the country, especially in the "Red" centre, where they feel truly embattled. I gave her what emotional support I could... :-(

  3. My (adopted) home state was red. With the electoral college the way it is, it makes you feel as if your vote doesn't count. I thought the EC was dumb when I was a kid watching elections with my parents and I don't feel any different now.

  4. Tough! This time around the Electoral College wasn't part of the immediate problem, as Bush did get a majority of the popular vote as well as the most EC votes (ugh), but it's still an accident waiting to happen again.

    I wonder if there will ever be away out of America's two-party gridlock...

  5. I know he won both, hurry for Bush. But he didn't win the popular vote 4 years ago. :) I'm going to stop now. I've had a headache all morning and I think its all this political talk I've been doing. My mind isn't used to it. ;)

  6. It's funny, isn't it? Bush has actually been elected for the first time! :-) You're right though, it's time to ""Hope you feel better soon, pretty girls shouldn't have wrinkled foreheads (unless they are on Star Trek). :-)
